Geeker’s Digest wants to be an informative and helpful technology blog. Our focus is on all kind of technology, from open source software to e-commerce, multimedia, gadgets, you name it.

Most of the articles are describing experiences of our authors. Whether this experience was about solving a problem, hitting bugs, discovering new software, in general sharing information and thoughts, … – you get the idea. Because these articles are written based on the author's experiences, some of the articles may be opinionated, although we try to focus on neutral and technical analysis on each article.

All articles on Geeker’s Digest are written by fellow geeks.

Interested in joining us?

If you would like to publish an article on Geeker's Digest, you're welcome to! Please send a draft of your article to us (use the contact form) and if we believe this will be a good match to our content, you will receive a login where you can publish your article.

Some question which may pop up and we can already answer now:

Does the article have to be exclusive?
No. If you have your own (personal, non-business) blog, you are free to use the same content as you use on your own blog. You are free to add a footnote such as "This article was originally published on My Blog [Link]".

Will I get paid?
The current answer is no. However depending on the future success of Geeker's Digest (which we hope we'll have!) this answer might change.

What kind of content can I submit?
The article must have a clear focus on technology. As we mainly focus on problem solving articles (a.k.a. How To…), these are the most interesting types of articles to us.  But other articles covering technology are welcome. Also articles covering the gaming industry or tech gadgets are welcome.
Please note that we do not accept content which are used for SEO optimization of other websites or products. See sponsored content/articles below.

Do I have to write the article myself or can I copy content from another site?
This should be self-explanatory but we'll cover this question anyway. The answer is: Yes, we only accept self-written content.

Sponsored content

What about sponsored content/articles?
This is a slightly different topic. In general we're not against sponsored contents however they must have a clear focus on technology and the content must more or less match our own written articles. If the content is approved by the team, a publication fee is due. Please contact us if you'd like to know more.

Can you write an article about my software/hardware?
Another kind of sponsored content is if you have a software or hardware and you would like us to write a review article. Depending on the product, a publication fee might be due. Please contact us if you'd like to know more.