
How to install Slack from APT repository

Slack is one of the most widely used communication software. Not just for companies but also for a lot of free and open source projects. One of the reason for Slack's big success is the support for multiple Operating Systems; Slack runs on macOS, Windows and Linux.

Download from Slack website

Usually one would download the relevant package from the Slack for Linux download page.

Download Slack for Linux
Download Slack for Linux

The download page offers a RPM and a DEB installation package. Once downloaded, the package can be installed. Either by using the command line (rpm or dpkg commands) or by double-click on the file in a desktop/GUI environment.

Installation from APT repository

For Debian and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Linux Mint and many more), Slack can also be installed from a public APT repository.

First download the package sign key:

ck@mint:~$ curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/keyrings/slacktechnologies_slack-archive-keyring.gpg

Then add the repository to the APT repos:

ck@mint:~$ echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/slacktechnologies_slack-archive-keyring.gpg] jessie main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/slack.list

Note that as of writing this article (January 2025), the "debian jessie" entry is used for all Debian, Ubuntu and other deb derivatives.

Update the apt repos:

ck@mint:~$ sudo apt update

Slack can now be installed using the "slack-desktop" package:

ck@mint:~$ sudo apt install slack-desktop

Claudio Kuenzler
Claudio has been writing way over 1000 articles on his own blog since 2008 already. He is fascinated by technology, especially Open Source Software. As a Senior Systems Engineer he has seen and solved a lot of problems - and writes about them.

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